Photos Appartement A

Apart T2, 57 m² situé au Rez-de-chaussée.


             665 € + enlève les ordures.               

Photos Appartement B

Apart T2, 59 m² situé au 1er étage.


              565 € + enlève les ordures.               


Photos Appartement D

Apart T3, 67 m² situé au 2ème étage.


            585 € + enlève les ordures.                 

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Sundry Products

230 PC room hire (1/4 hour) PC room hire 02/11/11 2,34 € £1,88 $3,00
231 PC room hire (1 hour) PC room hire 02/11/11 6,22 € £5,00 $8,00
232 UK land call (10 min) UK land call 02/11/11 3,20 € £2,50 $4,00
234 UK mobile call (1 min) UK mobile call 02/11/11 3,20 € £2,50 $4,00
236 Airport shuttle (Vias) Vias shuttle 02/11/11 63,00 € £50,00 $80,00
239 Airport shuttle (Vias) Supplement Vias shuttle 02/11/11 6,30 € £5,00 $8,00
240 Airport shuttle (Carcassonne) Carcassonne shuttle 02/11/11 119,00 € £95,00 $150,00
241 Airport shuttle (Carcassonne) Supplement Carcassonne shuttle 02/11/11 6,30 € £5,00 $8,00
242 Trip To Carcassonne Castle Carcassonne castle 02/11/11 106,00 € £85,00 $135,00
244 Trip To Carcassonne Castle Supplement Carcassonne castle 02/11/11 4,40 € £3,50 $5,50
245 Trip To Restaurant  Espace Library Espace Library Restaurant 02/11/11 50,00 € £40,00 $63,00
246 Trip To Restaurant  Espace Library Supplement Espace Library Restaurant 02/11/11 6,30 € £5,00 $8,00
247 Printing A4 Black and White Printing B&W 27/04/12 1,90 € £1,50 $0,80
248 Printing A4 Colour Printing Colour 27/04/12 3,20 € £2,50 $4,00
249 Scan A4 Black and White Scan B&W 27/04/12 0,95 € £0,75 $1,80
250 Scan A4 Colour Scan Colour 27/04/12 1,50 € £1,00 $1,60
251 Mobile Air-Conditioning Unit 3500w Mobile A/C Unit 3500w 08/06/12 9,00 € £7,00 $11,00
252 Mobile Air-Conditioning Unit 2600w Mobile A/C Unit 2600w 09/06/12 6,25 € £5,00 $8,00
253 Diffuseur Anti-Moustiques (Week) Diffuseur Anti-Moustiques 18/06/12 5,00 € £4,00 $6,25
255 Diffuseur Anti-Moustiques (Day) Diffuseur Anti-Moustiques 18/06/12 0,85 € £0,90 $1,10
256 1x Kwh Electricity Kwh Electricity 03/07/12 0,22 € £0,18 $0,28
257 1x M3 Water M3 Water 03/07/12 6,82 € £5,47 $8,58
258 1x Fire wood stern Fire wood stern 23/08/12 90,00 € £72,00 $113,00
259 Beach Towel (small) Beach towel small 28/09/12 2,00 € £1,60 $2,60
260 Beach Towel (Large) Beach towel large 28/09/12 3,00 € £2,40 $3,90
261 PC room hire (1/4 hour) PC room hire 02/11/11 2,34 € £1,88 $3,00
262 PC room hire (1/4 hour) PC room hire 02/11/11 2,34 € £1,88 $3,00




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